Welcome and please enjoy this game I created, if you have any questions feel free to e-mail me.
Tighe K. Lory
What's New?
October 2, 2000
Mega Man: The Net Clash is finished (Well I may want to add some new features!)
Mega Man's SnowboarderX -- Now this game will be interesting -- please check it out!
Mega Man Games
Mega Man: The Net Clash
It's Mega Man and Street Fighter Crossed!
Click here to play!
Click here for controls
Click here for special move trainer!
Click here to open in same window (not recommended)

Mega Man's SnowboarderX
Mega Man Dust's off his Item #2 from Mega Man II and does some boarding! I included some nifty Paralax scrolling -- it is a work in progress feel free to check my work in progress.
Trouble Shooting

Before you play, If you are using IE 5 make sure to click on the TOOLS menu, then INTERNET OPTIONS. Under the TEMPORARY INTERNET FILES Section, click the SETTINGS button, and under CHECK FOR NEWER VERSIONS OF STORED PAGES, make sure it is set for AUTOMATICALLY.

Why doesn't this game work in Netscape?
How come Mega Man: The Net Clash doesn't work in Netscape? Click Here for the Answer.

Example of Netscape version of Mega Man (25% complete - just an example)

Controls - Click here for special move trainer!
Basic Controls:
Special Moves:

Suggestions for the future of Mega Man: The Net Clash

I am open to any suggestions to features you would like to see -- and I will post them here.
Make a Suggestion

From: Daniel Silverstein

Web page: http://www.gis.net/~mls/MEGAMAN2.HTM

Wow, pretty cool game. There are a few things I might suggest.

  1. Sound effects. Try to get some HIYAS and some blaster sounds in there.
  2. More sensitive controls. For example, I could never pull off a fireball and sometimes when I fired Mega Man did nothing. More sensitive controls could help this.
  3. More things to do with the F key, like grab and throw, call Eddie for a power-up (which black Mega Man could do as well), and slide. Controls for this might be:
    • Forward + F: Grab and throw (must be next to Black Mega Man)
    • Down + Forward + F: Slide
    • Up + F: Call Eddie for power up.
  4. Change the Arm Cannon to the Mega Buster. I believe the game needs charges, although I'll make this an optional suggestion.