Project Goal:

NESp is a project whose goal is to produce a portable Nintendo Entertainment System (NES) that can be easily made by anyone.

May 28, 2009

Hosting through IGN ending in August

I found out today that IGN is terminating its site hosting as of August 2009. This NESp project site has been hosted on classicgaming 2001 back in the gamespy days. If you are reading this now you have most likely been 301 redirected to this new location. If you have any bookmarks or links please update them as this redirect will most likely stop in August. I hope by that time google updates its links too.

September 28, 2008

Seven Years WOW!

Well welcome to the updated NESp site. This is to mark the 7 year anniversary of the completion of the NESp. It seems like it was just yesterday I was in my apartment soldering at 3:00 AM!

Hopefully this site will be updated more frequently.


Current Projects:

NESp Version 2

I am creating another NESp, this one will be 1/3 the size of the original, and the cartridges will fit all the way inside the system case.


I am building a portable N64 called the P64. All that remains is the casing and controller.


Below is a picture detailing the features of the NESp, click on it for a larger view.

NESp details

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